Top Most Effective Marketing Tactics That Will Boost Your B2B Strategy

Top Most Effective Marketing Tactics That Will Boost Your B2B Strategy | Data Marketers Group

“We are changing the world with technology”. Internet has brought tremendous change in the way we think, we learn & act – so is B2B marketing & strategy. By embracing the digital transformation of every business in the 21st century you can’t afford boring or outdated marketing strategy to stay ahead of competitors.

Let us change the way we frame marketing strategies to connect with business audience & gain benefit out of it. Developing right marketing strategy is can be challenging considering several factors such as budget limits, key decision & approvals. However, opting B2B digital transformation with effective B2B strategies helps you to stand out of crowd with flying colours. The Ultimate marketing goal is to make audience responds & engage with your products & services. Hence it is very critical to analyze how marketing to a business varies from individual consumers. This article gives crystal idea of effective B2B marketing strategies work & converts your business audience.

What is B2B marketing?

From a layman’s point of view, any company that sells products or services to other business or organization highly uses B2B marketing strategies & the marketing content is geared towards particular business or organization is often referred as B2B marketing.

B2B marketing targets the needs, likes, interest & challenges of individuals who purchase on behalf of or for their customer. Here we discuss about various B2B marketing tactics what will boost your B2B strategies.

B2B Email Marketing

Email communication is the best & proven methods of connecting with individuals & customers. Email is a most powerful & effective way for engaging your target audience & turns your subscribers into leads & then customers. B2B customers always look for logic & drive positive ROI. It mainly focuses on your business, customers & connects the thing which matters to them such as time, money, resources.

As research from Hubspot, shows 83% of B2B companies use email newsletters as a part of their content marketing strategy. And 40% of the B2B marketers agree newsletters plays a crucial role in their content marketing success.

Here are few best practices of email marketing best practices:

• Send emails with strong subject line
Hook your audience with an enticing subject line & connect with them.
• Include CTA (Call To Action)
Having one CTA per mail allows consumers on one email content & one action
• Responsive Email Design
In the Internet era, 80% of the email users access their inbox on mobile. So high responsive design shows up & engages customers.
• Segment your email to reach most relevant audience
Buyers can look for different solutions; hence having email list segmentation helps you to relate with target audience in a better way & feel connected.

Creating Digital Presence

Every company started to invest in their digital presence & 5% of their revenue will be invested for digital presence & branding which comprises of paid ads, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), website & more. Here are a few tips to build effective B2B marketing for digital presence.

  • Build Website

Any small or large scale business should have their own website which defines your target audience & helps your B2B marketers to understand different buyer persona. This helps to ensure right demographic information to connect with right audience through content & new marketing initiatives.

  • Create your own digital space

With proper on Page SEO & Technical SEO tactics your website must be well optimized & informative.

  • Run PPC campaign

Pay per click (PPC) advertising allows your brand to connect with new audiences via search engines. By understanding buyer’s persona & incorporating content highly recommended for them you can generate ROI to promote your products & services across the globe.

Enforcing Niche Driven Strategy

One of the most critical business considerations is specializing & targetinga particular niche. We’re in the era to understand the fast growing firms & be the undisputable leader. Specialization makes you to understand what is required & how you can define yourself.

Social Media Strategy

Social media is one of the most popular & important strategy to stay connected with customer 24*7. Facebook & LinkedIn rated as one of the most popular platforms to deliver better ROI in an organic way.

Social media curates a positive impact on your brand & stays as one of the best distribution channels to share your original content. Highlight your activities & spot light your employees, which allow your audiences to personalize & develop a distinguished brand voice.

Different Social Media Channels That We Can Use For B2B Marketing

Well planned strategy is a key ingredient for any social media marketing. It includes Facebook marketing, Instagram marketing, Twitter marketing, LinkedIn marketing & more. Having a relevant & realistic social media marketing goals paves way to understand your target audience. Social media goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable,Attainable,Relevant & Time Bound).

Facebook Marketing:

It is well known fact that Facebook is one the biggest social media platform with a huge fan base.(Approx. 2.4 billion people use it every day). A report from Hootsuite says two third of Facebook users visit their local business Facebook page at least once a week. A clear & focused Facebook marketing is the smart way to tap into existing customer & gain new followers easily.  Here are few steps to start with Facebook marketing:

  • Set up your own Facebook account

Head to Facebook & create your personal account for your business. Choose the page type such as business, brand, community or public figure.

  • Include brand images

Have a profile & cover photos to make sure the optimum images size as prescribed by Facebook.

  • Complete your page information

Describe about yourself in 255 characters about what you want to do & who you are. Make sure all your contact details are updated & customer can reach you through any communication medium

  • Create your Facebook URL(Vanity URL @Username)

Choose a search friendly page name, which can be 50 characters long. Having a consistent name across all social media networks creates a brand identity.

  • Review your Facebook Setting

Understand your Facebook privacy & security setting to know about custom control available on your page.

  • Facebook Post

There are different ways of promoting your brand such as text post, video post, image post, live video post, FB poll post, Facebook stories, Pined post & more. Social media platform has huge & targeted audience base, hence post must be chosen accordingly. It should engage all kinds of users & keep them updated about your business or brand over regular interval of time.

Twitter Marketing:

Ultimate goal of the twitter marketing strategy is to attract new followers & leads to boost your conversion with improved brand recognition & sales.

Twitter Marketing Tactics include:

  • Research your target audience
  • Create unique & engaging content within 140 characters
  • Have a organized schedule for your post
  • Analyze your impact & focus of gaining trust among followers

Instagram Marketing

Instagram is one the important social media channel which gained more attraction among marketers in recent days. Undeniably, we can 90% of the Instagram users follow at least one business. Here are key tactics for using Instagram for business

  • Story Telling

People love stories. And creating & posting regular stories about business is a great way to connect with your audience.

  • Visual content

As well love most engaging content on our feed. Instagram is full of images & videos which make a great success when it comes to marketing. It is proven fact that visual post produces 650% high engagement hat text only post.

  • Community Engagement

Instagram has a huge community base, hence B2B marketers got a millions of opportunities to connect with a targeted audience without any geographical barriers.

YouTube Marketing

YouTube gives us more entertaining content & B2B marketers claim that it is one the essential tool for marketers to stay connected in the marketing race. YouTube content is recognised & preferred as second largest search engine.

  • Create your own YouTube Channel for brand or business
  • Learn about your audience
  • Learn from your Favourite channels
  • Optimize your videos to get good views
  • Optimize your title & keywords with proper hashtags
  • Create a strong thumbnail
  • Always have keyword rich description
  • Schedule & upload your videos


Integrated Channels

There are several effective channels to maximize your lead database. It includes content marketing, email marketing, social medical marketing, SEO& paid ads, webinars & corporate events.

It is understood that best strategies work well if it is integrated & strengthen your relationship. These types of integration channel marketing fuels powerful interaction between your audience & brand. 

Marketing Automation with CRM

Replace your mundane task with high touch automated one with a technology solution. Having a centralized system for creating, managing & measuring campaigns are essential for any B2B marketing campaign. CRM is helps any firms to track & organize right opportunities in a sophisticated way. Similarly CRM database acts a repository to collect & all relevant prospect information & help you to develop effective business communication with key decision makers.Advent of marketing automation tools helps B2B marketers to establish personalized communication with prospect & reduce repetitive & mundane task.

Let’s see how Marketing Automation Tools Can Boost Your B2B Marketing Strategy

In recent times, Automation tool helps B2B marketer in accessing all enterprise level data in one place and enable marketers can launch multi-channel campaigns in an effective manner. Tools such as Marketo, Eloqua, and Hubspot can automate mundane tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, ad campaigns & etc.  This marketing automation makes the task easier & provides personalized experience for the customer. If you are generating a steady flow of new & quality leads then investing in a marketing automation tool generates better ROI.

  • Marketo

Marketo manages end to end customer experience from a marketing point of perspective.  From digital advertising to account based marketing Marketo tool is really useful & well suited for larger marketing operation. With integrated sales applications Marketo aligns sales & marketing your efforts with high priority accounts by tapping into better visibility & customer insights.

  • Eloqua

Want to create dynamic B2B campaigns that to understand buyer persona & track real time activities at every stage from prospect to customer journey, then Oracle Eloqua is well suited for your marketing activities.  Eloqua gives the historical data which help marketers to schedule email at an optimal time & day for a preferred prospects.

  • HubSpot

HubSpot is one of the most popular and widely used Customer Relationship Management software. It helps user in expediting sales and marketing flow on the go without making many changes to the existing structures. Aligning your marketing efforts with HubSpot CRM can increase your web traffic while improving sales conversions.

Lead Nurturing& Lead Scoring

With targeted & analytics driven email marketing campaign understand the buyers persona & send offer to required set of targeted audience. This helps any B2B marketers in building closure engagement, relevant content & drive sales out of it.

Lead Scoring is one of the methodologies used to rank prospect based on a value that particular lead represents to the organization. It depends on various numeric value assigned to user behavior, conversion events or social media interactions. Any lead nurturing strategies are successful if sales & marketing are aligned together.

Visual Content

“A Picture speaks a thousand words”-   Visual contents from images to video will help promote your brand & adds value to your marketing efforts.  Internet has helped marketers to build trust & engage with the audience more often compared to traditional modes marketing strategies.  All credits to visual content makers as they suggest using compelling images for brands across all platforms. 

Online communities

Identify online communities or create a space for your customers to make their conversation. There are multiple options ranging from LinkedIn Groups, Quora & Facebook. Provoke with your questions & try to understand your customers in a better way.  Create your own online forum where customers can share their feedback & opinions. This helps to create trusted database of information which has complete details of potential customers.

Mobile Marketing

mobile marketing

It is well fact that mobile drives the 80% of global internet usage. This statistics show how mobile marketing has become of the must have or trusted marketing strategy for B2B business. As a part of mobile marketing makes sure your website is well optimized for mobile. Before thinking of any mobile marketing ask yourself if you’ve answer for below question.

  • Is my content is friendly for all mobile/tablet devices
  • Is buttons & navigations are easy to tap
  • Does infographics, images, videos are easy to ready or view

Interactive Newsletters

Although email marketing is one of the best strategies for business, most of the professionals still prefer to use interactive newsletters. Brand should hook their customers with content in the form of monthly newsletters, blog newsletters & more. Interactive newsletters can include video downloads, surveys, Feedback requests, white paper downloads & more.

Referral Programs

Happy customers always spread the word about your brand. Initiate a discount program & allow your customers to know the benefits of spreading a word to fellow business owners about your products or services.

Paid Ads

There are wide marketing options to establish a brand name for your business.  Paid advertisement & campaigns are one of the important aspects of B2B marketing strategies. There are most popular ads linked with search engines such as Google, Facebook, Twitter & more. All these platforms, make sure your message reach right audience without any geographical barriers. And more importantly paid ads helps to drive highly engaged prospects interested in your products or services.

Niche Targeting

No More general audience. Improve your engagement rate with a more specific message to right audience & drill down to the specific niche you want to reach. It creates messages focused on your segment & ultimately you can connect with loyal customers interested in your products or services.

Live chat Conversion

Almost 95% of the customers are satisfied with their live chat experience & addressing the customer issues through their preferred mode of communication channel. With very little efforts live chat function can be one of the most productive sales channels. And it is one the very friendly medium where you can connect with customers & sell your products in a hassle free manner.

Influencer marketing or Guest posting

Though they belong to different discipline the common motto is to leverage the authority of a third party to promote your brand or product. With the help of external platform you grow your business with website, events or social account. And is it proved that ROI generated through influencer marketing is high when compared to other channels.

Event Marketing

Event marketing focuses on forming relationship & offering values with business owners & prospects who can be potentially your customer. Many business owners started event marketing as a part of promotional efforts to deliver greater ROI.  Event marketing includes one day conferences, one day seminars, product training sessions, leadership workshops &more.

Bottom Line

Partner with Data Marketers Group to have a formal b2b marketing plan & create your own brand identity.  We have a team of experts to make strategic & proactive approach to tactics. For small to medium sized business, we offer entire marketing plans with market research analysis to create your own brand identity in the fast moving internet era. Also, we can help you to align & build your market presence with current trends &stay one step ahead of your competitors.

Significance of Lead Nurturing in B2B Marketing

Significance of Lead Nurturing in B2B Marketing | Data Marketers Group

Companies that excel at lead nurturing process generate 50% more sales-ready leads. Many companies are widely familiar with lead generation activities, identifying new business prospects and kick-starting their buyer journey. But, to achieve the ultimate results, your sales and marketing teams need to understand and embrace the continued process of lead nurturing.

For B2B marketing success, this lead nurturing has become extremely significant as it allows your brand to stand out as one of the significant market leaders while converting your prospects into loyal customers. Hence, if you’re not using lead nurturing in your b2b marketing campaigns currently, then it’s the time to consider it. In this blog, you can discover what lead nurture means to business, and why it matters most in b2b marketing!

What is Lead Nurturing?

In simple words, lead nurturing is all about developing and maintaining trustworthy business relationships with the customers at every stage of the sales funnel. It mainly focuses on listening to the needs of prospects and providing them with the information that they need at different stages of their buyer journey.

The ultimate goal of lead nurturing is to improve the probability of closing a deal and to shorten the time taken to secure new customers. This process strengthens the bond with the leads who are currently unwilling to buy from you but could be an ideal customer in the longer run. The process of nurturing sales leads can spread your brand message to the prospects, educate them about your products and services, and build trust to spend on it.

Why Lead Nurturing is Important?

According to recent surveys, only 2% of the customers purchase at the initial meeting. The remaining 98% of the prospects need some appropriate information through the sales funnel before they turn into your clients. This is the reason why it is important to nurture the lead. It will help you turn more leads into sales and expand those sales’ reach.

For most of the b2b companies, lead nurturing provides the ideal solution to transform your current lead quality. In addition to that, it helps prospects to understand how your product is relevant to their business while ensuring they meet all required criteria to effectively use your services. Furthermore, lead nurturing fuels your pipeline with the highest quality leads while helping your marketing and sales teams quickly identify new opportunities and build a strong relationship with the potential buyers.

Let’s look at the Most Effective Lead Nurturing Tactics

The key to effective lead nurturing is to identify people who are interested in your products and services. Hence, communicating with your customers and prospects can help you to understand their needs and requirements. Here are some of the best ways to do this.

Create Targeted Content

Nurturing leads with the targeted content can produce increased sales opportunities with more than 20% of the actual sales. Hence, targeting your leads with the relevant content can accelerate their buyer journey.

However, most of the B2B marketers struggle with producing relevant content. According to the Forrester Research report – 33% of B2B marketers finding it as a challenge to produce the relevant and targeted content while nurturing the leads. Hence, to produce the right content to the right audience at the right time, first, you need to understand your target audience. After identifying this audience, you need to create content that engages the audience based on their interests and needs.

Do Follow Up On-Time

Follow up is one of the most effective lead nurturing tactics to convert your leads into loyal customers. If you do follow up to a lead, once they entered into sales funnel rather than contacting them after 30 minutes, then there will be more chances to convert them into a qualified lead. The benefits of responding quickly to your clients are obvious, but this can take a bit of manual effort along with human intervention.

Although automated lead nurturing can rapidly and easily help you meet large numbers of prospects, the most effective way to turn your leads into sales-qualified leads is via a follow-up phone call or personal email. Moreover, a prompt, well-researched warm lead call is far more valuable than spending your time on outbound telemarketing. To make most out of the sales opportunity, make sure to know about the interests of your prospects and how they have connected with your business online.

Don’t Limit Lead Nurturing to Email

Most of the B2B marketers say email is their most effective marketing channel to generate maximum ROI. Although email is undeniably a powerful channel for B2B marketers, it is necessary to ensure that your campaign is integrated with more than just email. Many lead nurturing approaches consist of setting up an email drip campaign that sends emails to prospects regularly.

The most successful lead nurturing tactics include a combination of channels with wide-variety of marketing automation techniques, email marketing, social networking, remarketing and sales outreach. Setting up the campaign require a bit more effort as the both sales and marketing teams need to collaborate to execute it effectively.

Utilize Multiple Touchpoints

On an average, prospects must get twelve marketing touches from the moment they are introduced to the top of the funnel before they are converted. As such, there really should be 12 or more touchpoints in every lead nurturing campaign.

Ideally, to nurture your prospects into consumers, you can engage with your prospects across a variety of different types of content, such as email, social media posts, blog articles, whitepapers, interactive surveys and even direct mail. In the buyer journey, the content you send should be matched to their point while answering common questions and concerns at that particular level.

Align Sales & Marketing Teams

Whenever sales and marketing teams align with each other and share the responsibility of lead nurturing, then businesses can see a significant increase in terms of conversion rates. The most important thing to consider is that both the sales and marketing teams should be on the same page when it comes to the identification of a sales qualified lead.

Ideally, both the sales and marketing teams should work together when it comes to opening an email or interacting with a social post, and assign a score to each. By ensuring both teams working together in this way, you can close more deals for the campaign.


Personalization is an essential tool to run an efficient programme of lead nurturing. It’s also not too hard to implement, particularly in the campaign’s email portion. Personalized emails can produce up to six times of income when it comes to non-personalized emails.

Emails can be customised in a variety of ways. For example, when a visitor clicks a connection in your inbox, visits a certain page on your site, or installs a piece of gated content, you can set up triggers to send emails. Sending a customized email when a prospect is deeply active with your brand may also be useful.

Wrapping Up

Regardless of how you choose to roll out your lead nurturing campaign, one thing is must be consider: it’s not an option, it is essential for your business. Furthermore, it can help you to close even more sales and generates maximum revenue for your business.

A good customer data platform like Data Marketers Group can help you with your lead nurturing strategies in a hassle-free way. By providing high-quality and cleansed data, Data Marketers Group helps you to identify customer trends and behaviours, and make the most of the data available to you.

How Data Enrichment Service Can Transform Your Marketing Strategy

In today’s competitive world, data has become the most valuable asset in every organization. Most of the business leaders across the world use data to empower their decision-making process and promote the growth and profitability of their companies. When it comes to b2b marketing, data plays a crucial role to formulate marketing, sales and customer service strategies.

As a b2b marketer, it is vital to know about your exact target audience to roll out more effective and modern marketing strategies. Having accurate data about your targeted audience can make your job easier. But it’s not always easy to come across the right sets of data about your customers due to data decaying. And this is where data enrichment service comes into picture.

What is Data Enrichment?

Data Enrichment is nothing but enhancing data with everything that you need to frame a successful marketing strategy including verified email address, telephone number, company size & type, postal address, annual revenue and more. This Data Enrichment helps you to drive leads and generate actionable insights for your sales and marketing success. Here, in the below image – you can see how data enrichment can update your existing contact data with new contact records while fighting against data decaying.

Fight Against Data Decay | Data Marketers Group

Types of Data Enrichment

No individual dataset can provide a complete and holistic overview of your ideal customers. Hence, you would need to merge multiple datasets into a single enriched source to correctly understand the customer base. When organizations around the world aim to introduce higher levels of personalization, the ability to integrate various data sources meaningfully gives them a powerful tool to enhance their services.

Although, there are innumerable types of data enrichment and data collection techniques, but there are two types of data enrichment services that are far more prominent than the others. Below mentioned are the two types of data enrichment services that you really need to know about.

• Demographic Data Enrichment

This involves any type of data that enables you to identify your users more accurately. For instance, income level and marital status are both examples of demographic data. Combining demographic data with your customers’ current data will allow you to take a clear picture of exactly who they are.

• Geographic Data Enrichment

This includes adding details about the geographical position of your users. It could be things like ZIP codes and other postal records, coordinates of longitude and latitude, and home addresses. It is easy to come across geographic data since there are many companies that exist to provide such information. Geographic data enrichment allows companies to offer a more personalized service.

Transform Your Marketing Strategy with Data Enrichment Service

In general, data enrichment is highly beneficial for your whole marketing and sales funnel as it enhances targeting, improves conversions, and much more. If you are thinking about improving your marketing strategy, here are some of the ways that data enrichment can supercharge your marketing campaigns:

• Enhanced and accurate data

As discussed above, enhancing the data would open up new opportunities for your marketing campaigns, open new lines of communication, and enhance your targeting. Using data enrichment in combination with email verification can keep your enriched list clean, correct and accessible.

• Improved lead scoring and segmentation

The more you know about your lead, the more accurate your lead scoring and segmentation would be. This process involves analyzing data such as location, demographics, business data, behavioral trends, etc., which is exactly what can be provided by lead enrichment.

• Improved personalization and targeting

With data enrichment it’s possible to gain deeper insight about your customers including their demographic and behavioral data. This enables you to offer personalized offers and shopping recommendations that aligns perfectly with the needs of your audience. Data enrichment can give you all the necessary ingredients to can achieve higher open, click-through, and conversion rates while improve personalization and targeting.

• Better nurturing

Having more data on your customer’s needs and pain points enables you to craft an effective lead nurturing strategy for each audience segment to convert faster and gain more loyal customers.

• Increased Business Sales

Enriching the data helps businesses to identify prospective customers and use the data of current customers to find new markets that complement their customers and make marketing more successful. Furthermore, it guarantees ongoing consumer engagement and nurturing, which might open up new market opportunities.

How to Choose The Best Data Enrichment Service Provider?

There are several important questions you need to ask when you are opting for data enrichment services, including:

  • Is the data enrichment service is compatible with your business needs? It’s always recommended to check whether the enriched data is accessible within your existing CRM system.
  • How does the data enrichment service provider source new information? It’s crucial to know about the sources that they use for compiling data as data enrichment service is only useful if the information is accurate.
  • How often is data updated? Some agencies offer real-time data enrichment, but others do not. Hence, it is important to choose the right data enrichment service provider that’s right for your business.

Bottom Line

The majority of B2B marketing and sales strategies depend on customers’ data. Yet, data is frequently inaccurate due to data decay. Collaborating with our data enrichment services enables you to get rid of incomplete, duplicated and outdated data that lies in your existing database. By combining state-of-the-art technologies and human intelligence, we provide you with comprehensive data enrichment services without compromising on data quality.

At Data Marketers Group, we have clearly understood that Data Enrichment Services is one of the most important steps in improving the value of your business data. Hence, our team first validate the contact data such as name, phone numbers, email and mailing addresses that you already have in your existing database. Once it is cleaned, we append missing or incomplete contact information and enhance your records with available data including financial data, geographic data, buyer inclination, and much more.

How Email Appending Can Upgrade Your Contacts List

How Email Appending Can Upgrade Your Contacts List | Data Marketers Group

Although email marketing is considered as a traditional approach of marketing, but still it continues as one of the most effective marketing channels when it comes to high return on investment. As an email marketer, it is necessary to have right set of email addresses of your targeted audience to send b2b email marketing campaigns with zero bounce rate.

In recent researches, it was found that an average of over 30% of subscribers changes their email addresses every year due to job changes, security and other reasons. Due to this, most of the emails won’t deliver successfully. Hence, the success of your email marketing campaign completely depends on the contacts list that you’re using currently. And the best way to ensure 100% accuracy in your customers’ database is via email appending.

Before going further, first we should understand the basic concept of Email Appending.

What is Email Appending and Why You Need Email Appending?

Email appending is the process of adding or updating a missing email address into a customer record within your existing contact database. This practice involves retrieving customer data like name and location and matching it with a vendor’s database to collect the missing data.  According to the experts, you can see an average increase of 30% in your ROI when you use email append service to upgrade your contact lists.

In the below mentioned picture, you can check the necessity of email append services.

Let’s See How Email Appending Process Can Upgrade Your Contact Database!

If you discover that your email marketing campaign doesn’t get the desired results, then you can opt Email Appending service to provide a massive boost to the sales figure and also generate higher traffic to the website. With Email appending process, you will get fresh and authentic information about your target audience including their name, contact number, email addresses, and other required data fields. This will ultimately help you engage with your audience in a much more efficient way.

An email append is simply the process of adding a valid email address to a contact in your existing database which falls under the following categories.

  • You can apply email appending to the contacts for which you have no email address but you have their first and last name and physical address.

  • You can apply email appending to the contacts which are having old or outdated email addresses.

  • You can apply email appending to the contacts that have become dormant and you are not sure if their email address is valid.

Here, in this below mentioned picture – you can check the whole process involved in the Email Appending from uploading the database to upgrading the contact list.

Whenever you upload your database that need to be email append, the following process takes place on your contact database.

  • Initially, the whole contact list will match against the proprietary and master datasets.

  • Later, the data experts will identify and remove the incorrect and invalid email addresses which are inactive.

  • Then they will add up-to-date, opt-in, correct email addresses of clients in case of missing, redundant and incorrect b2b e-mail addresses.

  • After adding accurate email addresses to the contact list, they will optimize the database by taking consent from the customers.

  • Later data experts will perform AI and manual verification for quality checks.

  • Finally, a newly appended file will forward to the client in a downloadable format.

How To Choose Best Email Appending Service Provider?

When it comes to choosing the email appending service that address your data needs, here are a few things – you need to make sure before going further.

  • Firstly, you need to shortlist exactly what you need.

  • Later, choose a company that can meet all of the requirements you have defined.

  • Make sure that email append provider supplies the authentic information.

  • Also, check which type of data sources they are using to compile database

  • Check how much time it takes for them to append emails.

  • Check- How often are they upgrading the master file.

  • Ask about the success rate of their email appending services.

  • Also, check will they be able to connect you to the old clients.

Benefits of Choosing Email Appending Service

In order to achieve huge success rate through email marketing, one must have a verified email database of their existing customers as well as the potential customers. Absence of such email database could make it harder for any business to start off an effective email marketing campaign. Email appending is one of the many techniques that could help you boost your sales, generate website traffic and retain your customers through email marketing. Here are some benefits of Email Appending Service:

Boost Response Rate

Undeliverable emails will always lead to a huge waste of time and resources. Thus, reducing the number of such aspects will be an important task for you when it comes to email marketing. The process of email appending will help you in reducing wastage of your resources and provides you with updated emails that will ultimately help you to get a better response from the recipients.

Data Cleansing

The process of email appending will not only help you to add missing information about your target audience but also enable you to correct errors like miss-spelt localities, names, invalid email ids, inauthentic identities, and other crucial data fields.

Database integrity

An email appending service can allow you to access a full and detailed database. The process will also help you to get your target audience’s demographic data including their age, name, salary, and other demographic details. In the process of research, email appending will help you to build successful marketing strategies that match with your business needs.

Affordable Pricing

Email Appending will help you deliver your messages to the right inboxes and at the right time. The cost of buying a database consisting of a list of potential customers is much higher than updating your current one and retaining it. Thus through email appending, explore the potential of your existing contacts at affordable pricing.

Wrapping Up

If your leads lists or CRM data comprises missing email addresses of your prospects, then you are losing on the best engagement channel which generates the highest ROI for your marketing efforts. We at Data Marketers Group, provide best-in-class Email Appending services which completely focus on maximizing online and offline customer engagement for your products and services.

Everything You Need To Know About B2B Data Cleansing

Everything You Need To Know About B2B Data Cleansing | Data Marketers Group

Source: Only B2B

In today’s data-driven world, data is a valuable asset for most of the businesses, especially when they are rolling out multi-channel marketing campaigns. But, have you ever wondered what happens when you leave your entire customer database idle for longer run? As most of the people continue to change their phone numbers, postal, and email addresses quite often, the customers’ data you have become old and redundant.

Keeping data records of potential leads for future reference and immediate use is top priority for most of the organizations.  However, what happens if the collected data isn’t accurate? Just collecting a huge stacks of data isn’t going to be of much help to your business. Instead, businesses need accurate data for successful CRM initiatives and this is where Data Cleansing comes into the spotlight!

What is Data Cleansing?

Simply put, data cleansing is the process of eliminating, upgrading, and editing information within a database in order to maintain top-notch data quality. This approach gives access to the segmented and accurate data, which you can leverage for your multi-channel marketing initiatives and business operations.

By availing data cleansing services, businesses can address many challenges they face on a daily basis like manual data correction, troubleshooting, error rectification, and incorrect invoice data. All these add up to high costs – which can be reduced if businesses keep their database clean and competent.

“The True Potential Of Customer Data Can Be Explored And Leveraged In A Meaningful Manner Only When The Data Is Correct, Complete, And Relevant.”

Why is it Important to Cleanse Customers Data?

According to researches, over the span of one year, 30% of B2B data is projected to be out of date. That means you might waste a significant amount of your direct marketing budget because the data is no longer up-to – date.  Having accurate customers’ data is more crucial for most of the businesses. By using irrelevant and outdated customers’ data, you’ll not only lose existing clients but also fail in implementing effective marketing strategies. There are several reasons that support the need for getting data cleansed. Here are few:

  • Cleansed customer data helps reach the right people for maximum responses.
  • With clean data, your database remains accurate and GDPR & CAN-SPAM compliant.
  • Saves resources and time incurred in campaigning with irrelevant data.
  • Helps identify unresponsive and inactive contacts in the existing customers’ database.

With most industries relying on data for their business growth – it is important to manage error-free data particularly in data-intensive industries such as banking, insurance, retail, telecoms, and more. What if you leave your data for longer-run? Here are some adverse effects which can occur when you ignore cleansing your customers’ data:

What Happens With Out Data Cleansing | Data Marketers Group

Source: Cloudlead

Why Should B2B Businesses Leverage Data Cleansing Services?

At the heart of all b2b marketing and lead-generation activities, data is notably the most important resource to increase the likelihood of ongoing campaign success. Hence, every modern business needs accurate data to drive offline and online customer engagement for their products and services. However, cleansing your entire database can be a massive project. While many businesses opt for the various data cleansing tools available, it can still take up precious time and resources.

Instead of facing the problems pertaining to DIY data cleansing operations or spend countless man-hours, you can procure professional b2b data hygiene services for fresh and updated information. Such services can take away the burden of database management completely, which in turn allows you to concentrate on key business operations.

Benefits of Data Cleansing Services

The following are some of the benefits B2B business can get by leveraging CRM data cleansing services:

  • Enhanced Sales Performance

One of the primary benefits of data cleansing is improved sales performance. As a B2B marketer, having access to quality data will allow you to generate high-quality leads and minimize the costs incurred on inaccurate data. In addition to that, cleansed customer data helps in identifying the most valuable clients and also provide personalized communication to maximize conversion and engagement.

  • Improved Decision Making

Having accurate and correct data allows better business intelligence and analytics, which helps in facilitating better decision making as well as campaign execution. This leads to an increase in the overall productivity of the company – in terms of sales and revenue.

  • Optimize Costs

Since maintaining data servers, data centres, or databases is expensive, you will be able to cut storage costs when you have access to appropriate, reliable, and modified data. Consequently, it would enable the company in reducing costs.

Can We Outsource Data Cleansing Services?

Of Course Yes! There are many companies that offer data cleansing services based on business requirements. They provide Professional data cleansing service -which results in higher-quality lead information and a higher return on your marketing investment. So, whatever field your company operates in, it is important to maintain reliable, compliant and up-to – date information on your current and potential leads to ensure a profitable campaign after a profitable campaign.

As a data-driven marketing agency, we are specialized in providing various database services including data appending, email appending, phone appending, custom data and more. Here are few benefits of outsourcing data cleansing services to us:
  • Expertise That Matter

When you outsource your data cleansing job to us, the results will be much more rewarding. It’s not that your in-house data management team is incompetent or incapable. But the experience and knowledge possessed by our team of data professionals while working across various industries are unmatchable. Hence, taking the help from qualified data experts will definitely pump up the quality of your B2B marketing list.

  • Outsourcing is Cost-effective

Investing in offshore data cleansing for your customers database is no longer expensive and also beyond the budgets. Outsourcing is cost effective and also saves you the resources incurred in hiring and training an in-house data team. 

  • Saves Time

The process of manually validating, verifying, and updating every record in your customers database can be a tedious and time-consuming too. Instead of that, outsourcing data cleansing help you to focus on core business activities while maintaining data hygiene.

With our b2b data cleansing services, you can enhance quality of your b2b mailing lists related to technology, international, healthcare and retail.

Final Thoughts

Every B2B organization is unique in its own way. Regardless of business type, you may have experienced issues pertaining to the inaccurate data. Hence, it is time to convert your data into more actionable.

At Data Marketers Group, our goal is to grow and prosper as a company, while fulfilling the data requirements of other businesses. Being experts in data hygiene best practices, our team of skilled professionals will facilitate you with more actionable data insights that can maximize your revenue opportunities.

Guide to choose a right B2B Data Provider

Data is the new oil. Data is one of the important assets for any organization as it helps them to effectively analyze & bring a solution for problems. The data provide a higher level of visualization to understand what is happening across different location & departments within the organization. Generally, B2B data are an enterprise-focused model which comprises of information to improve sales & marketing campaigns. B2B marketers can make the best use of such data to target audience meticulously & promote their products.

There are different types of B2B data providers. As a pioneer in B2B database service providers, we would like to share our thoughts on the same. So here are a few points to be taken into account while going to do b2b data purchase for your B2B marketing campaigns.

  • You should be more inclined towards a data-oriented solution.

  • Make sure your B2B providers give other Data enrichment services including data appending, cleansing & integration.

  • Make sure you pay only for details you take

As per the survey conducted by Salesforce in 2018-2019, more than 50% of the sales representatives spend more time in finding the right information for initiating business conversation. Hence at Data Marketers Group, we believe that data is the backbone of any b2b campaign, including offline & online activities. Ideally, a business partner should be able to work with you comfortably rather than just being the contact information provided.

So, here are certain easy steps to choose the right B2B data provider while you are opting to do b2b data purchase for your company.

Analyze & define your Lead Generation Process

The first & foremost step is to brainstorm within internal stakeholders, sales & marketing team to set up your own lead generation process for your business. Build a lead generation process to capture all relevant information about new leads & prospects are captured. This gives a clear idea of the most preferred communication channel of prospects. Hence finalizing lead generation process will give a board picture about how your B2B data partner should align with your business process based on a niche.

KPI’s to measure your Return on Investment

Defining KPI metrics for any process will let you know measure & understand the number of efforts required to build a cost-effective contact database. It helps in evaluating how your goals are understood by B2B data providers & how effectively prospect’s information are available & consumed by you. Based on your business goals procure details & monitoring their KPI’s will help increase your performance indicators.

Cost Calculation

The Cost comparison is one of the main attributes to determine if B2B data providers to be built in house or outsourced. There are several parameters including requirement per day, tools used, number of calls to be taken per day, monthly/weekly budget, email bounce rate, average deal size closed & more. Based on these use cases we can decide how effectively B2B data are required for the business.

Fit & Opportunity Data

Your B2B data providers must categorize list based on key attributes which create new business opportunities when a marketer intends to develop a business relationship with prospects. As the name suggests scoring activities can be carried out marketers to segment prospects well suited to be in your customer base. Thus, you can get perfect data that fit into your B2B campaign & improve revenue.

Brokers or Resellers

This is one of the important categories of B2B data provider who act as a middleman between actual buyers & data sources. Generally, brokers collate data from different sources & resell to customers. They try to make an ample amount of profit through this. If you look for niche-based marketing, then brokers or resellers would be the perfect choice as they provide the most relevant contact aligned to your business goals.

Factors to Be Considered While Choosing B2B Data Buyers

Accreditations & Customer service

Look for data providers who registered with the Data Protection Act & direct marketing association. Please have a close look at how various data is collated from trusted sources in an ethical manner. The second most important thing is customer service after your purchase list. B2B data needs to be refreshed or data appending services should be given over the regular span of time to make B2B data is most recent & reliable for the campaign. This guarantees your business data providers have proper information intended to reach prospects via direct mails or phone calls.

B2B statistics you need to know while choosing a data partner

Business data is crucial for any B2B marketing success. To refine your search to select a perfect data partner. We understand B2B data purchase is one of the costly investment for marketing. Hence, do better research to ensure your whole sales team is clear about your business goal as is it directly impacts organization investment & sales target.

How B2B Marketers Can Proactively Manage Their Businesses During Covid-19 Crisis?

Due to the spread of Covid-19 in mid-March, most of the countries around the world declared a state of emergency and every business in the country has worked to adjust strategy to prepare for both the economic and social challenges brought by the virus.

For b2b marketers who rely heavily on consumer experiences to generate new leads and develop brand recognition, the implications of the outbreak of COVID-19 have generated uncharted territory. Large trade shows and conferences in almost every sector have been canceled on a global scale, and even though some event promoters are turning to ‘virtual’ events, the relative effect of these types of activities on a company’s brand-building and lead generation efforts is greatly diminished.

Most of the B2B businesses have several particular problems to cope with the impact of COVID-19. Here are some tips on how to manage this changing environment to ensure that your brand continues to offer value to your consumers while building a potential sales pipeline for the future.

Understand The Challenges You’re Facing

As a first step, you should think in the long term about how your company could be impacted by short-term market losses, and then a longer-term recession or depression. There are some possible impacts that should be taken into consideration.

  • Client Cancellations:Think deeply about your client base and how they are impacted by COVID-19 closures. If you sell exclusively to SMBs, you will definitely find that many of them are unable to function and thus unable to pay for you. In this situation, you can prepare for a significant number of clients to opt out of your services or not to pay invoices, which would result in decreased cash flow as long as there is no bill.
  • Changed sales pipeline:Due to the sudden advent of shelter restrictions in the US, several businesses rapidly shifted their outlook in just a few weeks in March. A number of options that you planned to close in April might have fallen out of the pipeline.
  • Variable close rates: Considering the volatile epidemiological and economic situation, some businesses are holding back on new investment decisions, while others are trying to move quickly. Hence, it is essential for your sales team to be adaptable with respect to the needs of any prospect.

Focus on Branding

While COVID-19 continues to grow and most of the people opt not to leave their homes, while they are turning to their smartphones to get news about the outside world. All these customers provide advertisers with a unique opportunity. Through concentrating on the delivery of high-quality branded content, you will turn your business into an expert in your field and make it right. By focusing on delivering high-quality branded content, you will turn your businesses into an expert in your field and put yourself in a good position to develop new business in the future. Although you’re not likely to see a major boost in short-term revenue, investing in your brand now lets you rebound faster as the economy improves.


Consider the Roadblocks against Tele –Marketing

The odds stacked against telemarketing have escalated in 2020 with the outbreak of the Corona virus pandemic. On 7 March 2020, the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, declared a state of emergency banning unsolicited telemarketing calls during that period.

Banning telemarketing during the emergency phase of the COVID-19 outbreak is however, not an unprecedented act. This has been done before as a responsive measure when the weather is severe. The governor said that telemarketing during emergency situations could impede the ability of the state’s citizens to access safety information. Hence, tele-marketing is widely regarded as obstructive to communications. Any marketer found to be in violation of the prohibition can face political, legal and reputational risks.

Gear up Your Email Marketing Efforts

The roadblocks against telemarketing open the door wide for email marketing. Stock markets and the global economy are experiencing major losses as a consequence of the epidemic, and this has a direct effect on ad spending.

Email marketing is going to take centre place as advertisers and marketers begin to review their ad spending budgets. This advertising format has many advantages, and the current environment only serves to strengthen it. Some of the benefits to email marketing include;

  • Targeted and personalized emails have 74% chances of customer engagement.
  • In addition to that, data shows customers respond more positively to personalized emails than telemarketing.

Hence, b2b marketers should consider email marketing is the best than other forms of marketing to enhance customer loyalty and engagement during these pandemic outbreaks.

Consider Product Updates

If your current product does not serve an industry that is experiencing increased demand, is it possible to create one that does? Take a look at your SEM search query report or input from incoming leads and consider how you should update your core product to meet current demand. If you are able to upgrade your product, make sure that potential customers who may not think of you as a solution are proactively promoted. By keeping all these in mind, build a target prospect list for outbound sales and assist them with targeted display ads.

Adjust Your Sales & Promo Program

If you service an industry that is experiencing growth as a result of COVID-19 (i.e. healthcare, transport and logistics), then you are likely to see prospects looking to transition quickly to new on boarding programs that will enable them to work more effectively. Work with your sales team to push these prospects into the pipeline quickly. Also, consider offering a promo to encourage new customers to on board, but only pay for the first few months, by which time the business will hopefully be back to normal.

How Can You Make the Most Out of a Purchased Email List?

A lot many organisations even today continue to purchase email lists, with a hope that a well written email blasts can lead with a good amount of return of investment. No matter how you cut it buying a list and sending a mass email is still considered to be a spam. So, if you are still willing to buy an email list especially by using HubSpot, then it is important that you read the rest of the article. The person you are trying to send an email, has never ever given you the permission to market your products and services to them. You are interrupting and hoping that you will be able to put some interest in them, and they turn out to react in some or the other way.

So, a purchased email list can benefit your business in many ways. Despite of the various factors that you might have come across or heard, buying an email lists is still a valid and a cost-effective way of scaling your products and services. The problem arises with the way the marketers turn out to handle the entire process and not the idea of an unsolicited email itself. Through the blog post today we would be discussing the various benefits of a purchased email lists and how it will turn out to maximize the ROI. This post will also clear the air on the subject of cold email lists giving you a clear understanding on this highly controversial subject. Having an email lists purchased is not always a bad idea and here are the reasons why.

Scaleability: This one is believed to be an eye opener and this is why it has been mentioned first. Inbound marketing is not just fun but is even effective as it helps you generate some of the warmest B2B leads that you could ever imagine. A purchased email lists creates an opportunity for you to reach hundreds and thousands of new leads in just one night.  Of course, these contacts will have to be nurtured in the right way before being used but the future lead generation potential is massive. And when the funnel runs dry, all you need to do here is purchase more and more industry leads in order to keep your pipeline topped up.

Targeting Industry Related Contacts: A really good database can let you targets the industry-based contacts at ease. So, this turns out to become a crucial aspect that should not be overlooked no matter what. The marketers at times get caught with the email addresses and are left with nothing more than this. Having a list of 5000 customers in your industry is something that is much more powerful to your business rather than the 50000 random email contacts.

Speed and Time Savings: Perhaps one of the major reasons of why you should be purchasing an email is the speed and scalability of the strategy. Even if you have a healthy amount of organic traffic that has been coming into your website, inbound marketing to this can take an absurd amount of time just generate some amount of traffic for your website.

Reaching brand new audience: Not every one keeps up with the latest trends in their industry. And it seems like your perfect customers are aware of all the various other options, and have done all the research about you and your competitors. But let me tell you some of your customers might not even be aware of the fact that you are even existing. A purchased email lists can show your business to all those customers who are not aware about it. And through the purchased lists you suddenly become a part of the conversations discussing the various solutions for their business. And when you know the biggest challenge your target personas face the outbound marketing efforts and you will be able to generate quality leads from your cold list.

If the email marketing contacts are not working out well for you, I would suggest you to email services that allow you to have a purchased list. Through this you can ensure that the deliverability happens in the right manner. After this its just talking to your target buyers in such a way that would inspire him in taking some action.

Buy a list or create one? Which is more profitable

Nothing is much more important than the success of your email list than the list of your subscribers. The success of your campaign depends on the on having an integrated and engaged lists. Like all the others I am sure that you might be tempted to accelerate your building efforts by buying an email an email list, but buying an email list will actually lead you with poor results and possibly even damage your reputation for a long time. Buying an email list leads is something like breaking the golden rule. And I am sure that you hate it when an isolated email comes into your box, as this just leads to clutter and distracts you from the other emails that you wish to read. In short when you don’t like it how can you expect the subscribers to do so. Given here are some reasons why purchasing an email lists are a big no to email marketing. Let’s have a look at them in detail.

Invading the inboxes of the strangers: Remember that you are sending email campaign to people. And you design your campaigns in such a way that the person is able to read, and adds a call to action button encouraging your readers to click and convert. If you have someone who wishes not to hear from you and still receive an email from your side into their inbox, they will then just delete it and mark it as a spam especially when they don’t know who you are. Forcing your way into someone inbox without their permission is like showing up to a dinner part that is hosted by someone else and your uninvited. This is in no manner the best way of beginning any relationship with your customer.

Too many bounces: Since most of the email addresses on the purchased lists are old, many of these contacts will not be active and anything that is sent to them will bounce back as undeliverable. Typically, a bounce rate between 2% is optimal but if over goes more than 5% then there is definetly some problem with the list that you have been using. Even if there are any active emails on the list, they are very likely to delete the emails without even having a look at them. Even worse they will just mark your email as a spam and you will be on your way to bad reputation.

Email Service Providers Won’t allow Purchased Lists: First of all, as long as you are a reputable email service provider, let me tell you that you will not be able to purchase an email list. Most email service providers even do ask whether or not your email list has been opted in, in short, the ones who are on the list have opted into specifically receive emails from your company. Some of the Email Service providers will ask their list members to opt in as well as doubt in.

Bad Addresses Bad Delivery Date: A purchased list is likely to have contacts that have poor quality. And of all the addresses that are still active, most turn out to be on hold as its unlikely that they are being used much if at all. When you send an email from the purchased list having full of unused contacts, you will see high bounce rates and the over all campaign statistics will turn out to be underwhelming since the majority of the list is undeliverable. Also, one of the things that can turn out to happen with the old addresses is that they turn out to become spam traps or honey spots. And these are email addresses used specifically to find people who are using questionable lists and cause a serious damage to your sending reputation.

There are many other reasons as to why you should never ever buy an email list. Instead you can always invest time and grow your email list rather than buying one. Though buying a list may seem to be a quick fix but in long run you may lose money and damage your entire reputation. If you wish that your email should be read then make sure that your lists are opted in and have been growing in the right away. Remember the time spent in creating an email list will pay you off when a high performing list of people who actually can’t wait to read your emails.

Are you taking care of your customer Data?

In the data driven world, the data of the customers has turned out to become the most important for businesses who wish to rapidly evolve around the expectations of their clients and customers. We do have studies that have shown us how businesses have failed to safeguard the data of their clients and customers, leading to an epidemic of the data theft. In one of the studies conducted researchers showed that more than 21 major data breaches by the global enterprise companies turned out to affect hundreds and millions of their customers.

It is of no surprise that there has been an increase focus of the government when it comes to the corporate data security. Different countries will have different frame works. Say for example in a country like Canada you will get to see PIPEDA and CASL and GDPR in EU. The provisions in these regulations turn out to vary from one and another, though they have some common themes like in the following:

  • The organizations need to obtain a clear and informed consent before they go ahead and collect and use their personal information.
  • Organizations that have been collecting the data of their customers and have been using them for their business purpose, need to have well designed policies on how the employees are permitted to utilize and handle the data of the customers and how it has to be stored.
  • All the methods being used in data collection should adhere to the pertinent regulations.
  • The companies will have to disclose when there is a breach of customer data.

While these are regulations that currently turn out to exist as an inconsistent patch of work, and the companies should only expect more of consistent data regulations and stronger penalties. But apart from the mere compliance of the law it is important to understand why the companies need to protect their customer data.

Why do you need to care about protecting your customer data?

We all know that actions speak louder than words. And taking measures to have your data protected will ensure if there is a future data breach, then the damage to your data will be mitigated. Even when the customer data base breaches are caused by the third-party vendors then your customers will hold you accountable.

It is always better to take steps in order to be more compliant with the regulations of data usage, rather than further down the road when you might actually turn out to face harsh penalties for failing to safeguard the customer information. Data breaches even today come with a host of anticipated costs. And beyond the costs of the low business and the lost customers there are a few varieties of expenses that you often fail to consider.

Say for example then additional costs incurred by the data breach response, the promotional costs in order to improve the customer relations, hiring investigators outside along with the data security experts in order to ensure that the breach does not turn out to happen again.

What has to be done to protect your customer data?

  1. Researching new vendors thoroughly: If your data breach turns out to happen as a result of the bad practices, the onus here is still on you because your customers trusted that you have kept their information safe. In short having a background check done, getting references, and then investigatingwhat are the data safety practices a potential vendor has in place.
  2. Doing a data audit: In order to have your plan really very effective, it is important for you to do a complete audit of your data collection practices along with the data storage, along with the inventory of data that you have in file. It is also important for you to understand what types of data you need to collect, where is it stored and what protections do you actually need to have around that data.

To conclude:

It is important enough to understand that using the collected data base of your customers increases the risks of exposure, especially when the data is being transmitted from one individual to the other or within the other parts of the organization. While making a data security plan it is important that you examine the various levels of your organization in order to understand and know how the information gets exchanged within your organization.